Scripture Study

Scripture Study
"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." - John 5:39

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Helaman 13

Vs 1- What did the Nephites remain in?
What did the Lamanites do?
Vs 2- Why did Samuel, a Lamanite, come to Zarahemla?
What did he preach?
What did the people do to him?
Vs 3- Who told him to return unto the people?
What did he tell him to prophesy about?
Vs 4- Why did he get upon a wall to prophesy?
Vs 5- What did he say was hanging over this people?
Vs 6- What did he tell them could save them from heavy destruction?
What did he tell them Christ would do?
Vs 7- Who declared it unto him?
What did he bring to his soul?
Why was he sent to declare it unto them?
What would they not do?
Vs 8- What will the Lord take away and withdraw from them?
Vs 9- What shall happen to them in less than 400 years?
What shall they be visited with?
Vs 10- How will the Lord visit them?
Vs 10-11- What must they do to avoid God’s anger and utter destruction?
Vs 12- Why has Zarahemla been saved?
What do most people in that city do?
Vs 13- What will the Lord do for those who repent?
What would he do to this city if there were no righteous people in it?
Vs 14- Why are they spared?
When shall they be ripe for destruction?
Vs 15- What other city is wicked?
Vs 16- Whose cities are warned/wo-ed?
Vs 17- What shall come upon the land?
Vs 18- What shall happen to hidden treasures?
Vs 19- Who will hide their treasures unto the Lord?
Vs 20- Why will the people hide up their treasures?
When shall they hide up them up?
Vs 21- Why are they cursed? (What have they done and not done)
Vs 22- What do they remember?
What do they not remember to do?
What do their hearts do and not do?
Vs 23- Why has the Lord caused a curse to come upon the land?
Vs 24- What do they do to the prophets?
Vs 25- What do they say they would not have done in the days of old?
Vs 26- Why are they angry with their prophets?
What do they seek to do?
Why do they call him a false prophet and a sinner?
Vs 27- Who do they receive as prophets? (those who say what)
Vs 28- What will they do for him?
Vs 29- What kind of a people are they?
Who do they suffer/allow themselves to be led by?
What do they choose?
Vs 30- What is kindled against them?
Why hath he cursed the land?
Vs 31- What will their riches become?
Vs 32- When shall they cry unto the Lord?
What will be made sure?
What shall they do in that day?
Vs 33- What shall they wish they had done and not done?
When should they have remembered the Lord?
Vs 34- What will happen to their tools and swords?
Vs 35- What will happen to their treasures?
Vs 36- When should they have repented?
Vs 37- Who will they be surrounded by?
What will they want the Lord to turn away?
Vs 38- What will be past?
What will they procrastinate?
Where have they sought happiness?
Vs 39- What does he want the people in the land to do?
What does he pray for?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Helaman 12

Vs 1- What are men’s hearts like?
What is the Lord like?
Who does he bless and prosper?
Vs 2- What are some ways he blesses and prospers his people?
Why do they harden their hearts and forget the Lord their God?
Vs 3- What does the Lord have to do in order for his people to remember him?
Vs 4- What are the children of men like?
What are they quick to do? (name 3 things)
What are they slow to do?
Vs 5- What else are they quick to do? (name 2 things)
What else are they slow to do? (name 2 things)
Vs 6- What do they not desire?
What is the Lord like?
What do they set at naught?
Vs 7- What are the children of men less than?
Vs 8- Why? (what does the dust do at God’s command)
Vs 9-10- What else obeys his voice?
Vs 11-14- What does the earth do if his voice commands it to shake or move?
Vs 15- What moves the earth or the sun?
Vs 16- What do the waters do if he commands them to dry up?
Vs 17- What else obeys his voice?
Vs 18- Why might the Lord tell a hidden treasure to be accursed?
Vs 19- Who will find that treasure if the Lord tells it to be accursed?
Vs 20- Who else might the Lord curse?
Vs 21- What will happen to a man if they Lord tells him to be cut off from his presence?
Vs 22- What will happen to a man who does iniquity?
Why has repentance been declared?
Vs 23- Who shall be saved?
Vs 24- What does he hope men will be brought unto?
What will men be restored unto?
Vs 25- Who does he want to be saved?
What shall happen to some at the great and last day? 
Vs 26- What will they be consigned to?
What will those who have done good have?
What will those who have done evil have?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Helaman 11

Vs 1- What began to increase?
What was throughout all the land?
Vs 2- Who carried on this work of destruction and wickedness?
Vs 3- What did Nephi do?
Vs 4- What did ask the Lord not to do to this people?
What did he ask for?
Why?  (What did he hope it would do for them?)
Vs 5- How was it done? (according to what)
What work ceased?
What did it become sore by?
Vs 6- What was the earth like?
What would it not yield forth?
Who was smitten by this famine?
Vs 7- What did this famine cause the people to begin to do?
Vs 8- What did the people plead with their judges to do?
Vs 9- Why did Nephi cry again unto the Lord?
Vs 10- What happened to the Gadianton robbers?
Vs 11- What did Nephi ask the Lord to turn away?
Vs 12- What did he ask the Lord to cause?
Vs 13- What did he ask the Lord to send forth?
Vs 14- What did Nephi know the Lord would do?
What had he promised the people?
Vs 15- Why did they repent?
Vs 16- What does he hope the people will do if they are spared?
Vs 17- What did the Lord turn away?
What did he cause to come upon the earth in the 76th year?
What did the earth bring forth?
Vs 18- What did the people do?
What did they esteem Nephi as?
Vs 19- Who else was as righteous as he?
Vs 20- What did the people begin to do?
Where did they spread to?
Vs 21- How did the 76th year end?
Who belonged to the church?
Vs 22- What did they have a few contentions concerning?
Vs 23- What did there begin to be in the 79th year?
How did Nephi and Lehi put an end to it?
What did they have daily?
Vs 24- What did some Nephite dissenters and some Lamanites start/commence in the 80th year?
Vs 25- What did they do after they commited murder and plunder?
What did they receive daily?
Vs 26- What did they become?
What did they search out?
Vs 27- What did these robbers make among the Nephites and Lamanites?
Vs 28- How did the people try to put a stop to this work of destruction?
Vs 29- What happened the army?
Vs 30- What did they do in the 81st year?
What happened to them?
Vs 31- What were they obliged to do?
Vs 32- Who was increasing and waxing strong?
Who did the robbers defy?
What did they cause to come unto the people?
Vs 33- Where did they visit?
What did they do?
Who did they especially carry away?
Vs 34- What did this great evil stir the people up in?
Vs 35- What year ended?
Vs 36- Who did they begin to forget in the 82nd year?
What did they wax strong in?
What did they not do?
Vs 37- What were they waxing stronger in?
What did this make them ripe for?
Vs 38- What year ended?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Helaman 10

Vs 1- What arose among the people?
Vs 2- What did Nephi do?
Vs 3- What came to him while he was pondering?
Vs 4- Why was he blessed?
How had he declared the word?
Who did he not fear?
What had he sought?
Vs 5- How long will God bless him for this?
What will he make him mighty in?
Why will he give Nephi what he asks for?
Vs 6- Who shall Nephi have power over?
What shall he smite the earth with?
Vs 7- What does God give him power to do?
Vs 8-10- What are some things he could say that would be done?
Vs 11- What did God tell him to declare unto the people?
Vs 12- Where did Nephi go after the Lord had spoken these words unto him?
What did he speak to the people concerning?
Vs 13- What did the people do and not do even after this miracle/sign?
Vs 14- What did Nephi declare unto them?
Vs 15- How did they receive his words?
What did they do and seek to do to him?
Vs 16- Why could they not cast him into prison?
How did he get away from them?
Vs 17- Who did he declare or send the word of God unto?
Vs 18- What would the people not do?
What did there begin to be among the people?
What did the people begin to do to one another?
Vs 19- What year of the judges ended?

Helaman 9

Vs 1- How many men ran to the judgment-seat?
Vs 2- What did they say would make them believe Nephi was a prophet?
Vs 3- What had happened to the chief judge?
Vs 4- How did they feel when they saw this?
What happened to them?
Vs 5- Why did they fear?
Vs 6- Who murdered the chief judge?
What did he do afterwards?
What did the servants do?
Vs 7- Who did the people see when they gathered at the judgement-seat?
Vs 8- Why did they think those men had murdered the judge?
Vs 9- What did they do to them?
What was sent abroad?
What did it say?
Vs 10- What did the people assemble together to do?
Vs 11- Who was also gathered at the burial?
Vs 12- Who did they inquire concerning?
Vs 13- What did the judges desire?
Vs 14- When were they cast into prison?
Vs 15- What did they say they did not know?
Vs 16- What did the judges accuse Nephi of doing?
Vs 17- What do they want Nephi to do?
Vs 18- What happened to the 5 men that day?
Who did they rebuke and contend with?
Vs 19- What did they do to Nephi?
Vs 20- What did they bribe/offer Nephi if he would acknowledge an agreement with the murderer?
Vs 21- What did Nephi call them?
Vs 22- What did he say they ought to do?
Vs 23- Why had Nephi testified to them about the murder of the chief judge?
Vs 24- How did they feel as the result of Nephi showing them this sign?
Vs 25- What else is he going to show them?
Vs 26- Where did he tell them to go to?
Who is he?
Vs 27- What did he tell them to ask him?
Vs 28- What shall he answer?
Vs 29- What else shall they ask him?
Vs 30- What shall he do?
How shall he act?
What shall he declare?
Vs 31- What shall they find?
Vs 32- Whose blood is it?
Vs 33- What shall he do and look like?
Vs 34- What shall they then know?
Vs 35- What shall he then do?
Vs 36- How does Nephi know these things?
What kind of a man shall they know he is?
Vs 37- What did they find was true?
Vs 38- Who was set at liberty?
Vs 39- Where had some been converted?
Vs 40- What did some people say Nephi was?
Vs 41- Why did some think he was a God?
What things had he told them?

Friday, February 22, 2013

Helaman 8

Vs 1- How did the judges, who were also Gadianton robbers, feel after hearing Nephi’s words?
What did they tell the people to do?
Vs 2- What did they say he had reviled against?
Vs 3- What had Nephi spoken unto them concerning?
What did he not speak contrary to?
Vs 4- How had he spoken concerning their secret works of darkness?
Why did those judges not dare lay their own hands upon him?
Vs 5- What did the judges not want the people to suffer/allow Nephi to do?
Vs 5-6- What did those judges say was impossible?
Vs 7- What did they raise among the people?
What did some men think of Nephi?
Vs 8- What did they say that Nephi knew?
Vs 9- What did they say Nephi was?
Vs 10- Why were those who sought to destroy Nephi compelled to withhold from laying their hands on him?
What did Nephi begin to do again?
Vs 11- What did God give power to Moses to do?
Vs 12- What has God given power to Nephi to do?
Vs 13- Whose words do the people deny?
Who did Moses speak concerning?
Vs 14- What did he bear record of?
Vs 15- Who might live unto life eternal? (Those who do what)
Vs 16- Who else testified of these things?
Vs 17- What did Abraham see?
What was he filled with?
Vs 18- What were the prophets before Abraham called by?
Why were they called? (What did they show the people who lived before Christ came?)
Vs 19- Who else has testified of these things?
How did the prophet Zenos testify?
What happened to him?
Vs 20- Who else testified?
What did Jeremiah also testify of?
Vs 21- What happened to Jerusalem?
Vs 22- Why was Lehi driven out of Jerusalem?
What have they all testified of?
Vs 23- Who is with them?
What did he do for them?
Vs 24- If they deny these things, what are they doing?
What evidence witnesses that these things are true?
Vs 25- What have they rejected?
What are they heaping up for themselves?
Vs 26- What are they ripening for?
Vs 27- Who did he tell them had been murdered?
Who did he say he was murdered by?
Vs 28- What group did they belong to?
Who are the authors of that band?
What does Satan seek to do?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Helaman 7

Vs 1- Who returned to the land of Zarahemla?
Vs 2- What had he been doing in the land northward?
Vs 3- Why could he not stay among them?
Vs 4- What state were the people in?
Who were their judges?
What did they lay aside?
What did they not do unto the children of men?
Vs 5- Who did they condemn?
Why did they let the guilty and wicked go unpunished?
How did they rule?
What did they seek to get and do?
Vs 6- How did Nephi feel when he saw this great iniquity?
Vs 7- When did he wish he could have lived?
What did he think the people were like back then?
Vs 8- What did he say his soul would have had?
Vs 9- What is his soul filled with?
Vs 10- Where did he bow himself?
What was he near?
Vs 11- Who was passing by and saw Nephi praying?
What did they do?
Why did the people gather? (What did they want to know)
Vs 12- What did Nephi behold/see when he arose?
Vs 13- What did he ask them?
Vs 14- What did he tell them was his reason for getting upon his tower?
Vs 15- Why do the people marvel?
Who does he tell them has great hold upon their hearts?
Vs 16- What does he tell them the devil seeks to do to their souls?
Vs 17- What does he tell them to do?
What question does he ask them?
Vs 18- What answer does he give them? (Why has the Lord forsaken them?)
Who have they provoked to anger?
Vs 19- What will the Lord do to them if they don’t repent?
Vs 20- Who have they forgotten?
When have they forgotten him?
Vs 21- Why have they forgotten God?
What have they set their hearts upon?
What are they willing to do to get riches?
Vs 22- What will happen to all these great cities if they don’t repent?
What will the Lord not grant unto them?
Vs 23- What will the Lord not show unto the wicked?
Who will he show his strength unto? (Those who do what)
If they don’t repent, who shall it be better for than them?
Vs 24- Why are the Lamanites more righteous than them?
How will the Lord be merciful unto them? (What will he do for them)
Vs 25- What great abomination has come among them?
Vs 26- What has entered into their hearts?
Why? (Because of what)
Vs 27- Why else are they warned/“woed?”
Vs 28- What will happen to them if they don’t repent?
Vs 29- Ho does he know these things are true?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Helaman 6

Vs 1- What had most of the Lamanites become?
Why did their righteousness exceed the Nephites?
Vs 2- What had many of the Nephites become?
What did they reject?
Vs 3- Why did the people of the church have great joy?
What did they do one with another?
Vs 4- Where did many of the Lamanites go?
What did they tell the Nephites?
What did they exhort them to do?
Vs 5- How did they preach?
How did it affect many of them?
Vs 6- Where else did they go to preach?
Vs 7- What was in all the land?
Where could the Nephites go?
Vs 8- Where did the Lamanites go?
What did they have/do one with another?
Vs 9- What did they become?
What did they have plenty of?
Vs 10- What was the land south called
What was the land north called?
Who were they named after?
Vs 11- What was there all manner of in these lands?
What did the people become?
Vs 12- What did they raise much of? (name 2 categories)
Vs 13- What did their women make?
Vs 14- What did they have much of in the 65th year?
Vs 15- What happened to Cezoram in the 66th year?
Who else was murdered that year?
Vs 16- What did the people begin to become in the 67th year?
Vs 17- Who had blessed them for so long?
What had they set their hearts upon?
Why did they seek to get gain?
What did they do to get gain?
Vs 18- Who were the murderers and plunderers?
Who were they more numerous among?
What were they called?
Vs 19- Who did they murder?
Vs 20- How did the Lamanites feel when they found there were robbers among them?
What did they use their means/power to do?
Vs 21- Who’s hearts did Satan stir up?
What did most of them do with the robbers?
What did they covenant to do?
What did they not want to suffer for?
Vs 22- How did they distinguish those who belonged to their band?
Vs 23- What did this enable them to do?
Whose laws did they break?
Vs 24- What did they do with members of their band who revealed their wickedness?
Whose laws did they follow?
Vs 25- What did Alma command his sons not to pass on to the world?
Vs 26- How did Gadianton get those secret oaths and covenants from?
Vs 27- What did Satan plot with Cain to do?
Vs 28- What else did he put into the hearts of the people to do?
What did he spread upon all the face of the land?
Where did he lead/drag those people to?
Vs 29- What did he put into the heart of Gadianton?
How long has Satan been bringing forth his work of darkness and secret murder?
Vs 30- What is he the author of?
How does he carry and pass on his works?
Vs 31- What did he get great hold upon?
What had most of them turned away from?
What did they turn unto?
Vs 32- How long did it take for them to become wicked?
Vs 33- What did they grow in?
How did it make the righteous feel?
Vs 34- What did the Lamanites begin to grow in?
What did they keep?
How did they walk?
Vs 35- What began to withdraw from the Nephites?
Vs 36- What did the Lord pour out upon the Lamanites?
Vs 37- What did the Lamanites do to the Gadianton robbers? (name 2 things)
What happened to this band of robbers?
Vs 38- What did the Nephites do to the band of robbers?
Who did they seduce?
Vs 39- What did they obtain?
Who did they smite and turn their backs on?
Vs 40- What were they ripe for?
Vs 41- What year of the judges ended?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Helaman 5

Vs 1- Who became the chief judge that year?
Vs 2- How were their laws and government established?
What had the majority chosen?
What were they ripened for?
Vs 3- What kind of a people were they?
What could they not be governed by?
Vs 4- Why had Nephi become weary?
What did he do the remainder of his days?
Vs 5- Whose words did they remember?
Vs 6- What did he want his sons to do?
Who were they named after?
Why did he name them after them?
What were their works like?
Vs 7- What does he want his sons to do?
Vs 8- What does he want them to do these things for?
What gift does he want them to have?
Vs 9- What is the only way man can be saved?
Why did Jesus Christ come to the world?
Vs 10- What did Amulek say the Lord will redeem his people from?
Vs 11- On what condition does the Father give Christ power to redeem us from our sins?
Who does he send to declare the conditions of repentance?
Vs 12- Who must we build our foundation on?
If we do, what shall the devil’s storms not have power to do?
What kind of a foundation is the rock of our Redeemer?
Vs 13- Who did Helaman teach these things to?
Vs 14- What did his sons teach?
Who did they teach to?
Where did they begin teaching at?
Vs 15- Where did they teach next?
Vs 16- After they had taught all the people of Nephi in the land southward, where did they go next?
Vs 17- How did they preach?
Who did they confound?
What did those who confessed their sins do?
Vs 18- Who did Nephi and Lehi preach unto?
What did they have given unto them?
Vs 19- How did the Lamanites feel?
How many Lamanites were converted from the land of Zarahemla?
What were they convinced of?
Vs 20- Where did they go next?
Vs 21- What did the Lamanites do to them?
Vs 22- What did they take them forth to do?
Vs 23- What encircled Nephi and Lehi?
What did the fire do to them?
Vs 24- How did they feel- what did their hearts do?
Vs 25- What did the Lamanites not dare do?
How did the Lamanites feel?
Vs 26- What did Nephi and Lehi tell the Lamanites not to do?
Who did they say had done this marvelous thing?
Vs 27- What did the earth do?
Who was in the prison?
Vs 28- What overshadowed them?
What came upon them?
Vs 29- What else came?
What did it say?
Vs 30- What kind of a voice was it?
What did it do to them?
Vs 31- What did the earth do again?
What happened to the prison walls?
Vs 32- What did the voice tell them again?
Vs 33- What did the voice speak the third time?
Vs 34- Why could the Lamanites not flee?
Why else were they immovable?
Vs 35- Who was among them?
Vs 36- What did he see through the cloud of darkness?
What were their faces like?
What were they doing?
Vs 37- What did he tell the multitude to do?
What did they behold?
Vs 38- What did they ask?
Vs 39- What was this man’s name?
Who did he say they conversed with?
Vs 40- What did they want?
Vs 41- What did Aminadab tell them to do?
Vs 42- What did they begin to do?
For how long?
Vs 43- What were they encircled about by?
Who was encircled about?
Vs 44- Who was in the midst of them?
What did the fire not do?
What were they filled with?
Vs 45- What entered into their hearts?
What could they do?
Vs 46- What was the voice like that came unto them?
Vs 47- What did it say?
Why were they given peace?
Vs 48- What did they see
Who came and ministered unto them?
Vs 49- How many saw and heard these things?
What were they bidden to do and not do?
Vs 50- What did they go forth and do?
How many Lamanites did they convince?
Vs 51- What did those who were convinced lay down?
Vs 52- What did they yield up unto the Nephites?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Helaman 4

Vs 1- What was there much of in the church?
What was there also among the people?
Vs 2- What happened to the rebellious part?
Where did they go?
Vs 3- What did they try/endeavor to do?
Why wouldn’t the Lamanites hearken to the words of those dissenters?
Vs 4- In the 56th year, what did the dissenters succeed in doing?
What did they prepare for?
Vs 5- What did they commence in the 57th year?
What did they succeed in obtaining?
Vs 6- Where were the Nephites driven to?
Vs 7- Where did the Nephites fortify against the Lamanites?
Vs 8- What had the Nephite dissenters and the Lamanites obtained?
Vs 9- What did the armies of Moronihah succeed in obtaining?
Vs 10- How many of their possessions did they regain in the 61st year?
Vs 11- Why did the Lord allow this great slaughter and loss among the Nephites?
Vs 12- Why were their hearts prideful?
How had they oppressed the poor? (What did they withhold)
What did they mock?
What did they deny?
What other wicked things did they do?
Vs 13- Why were they left to their own strength?
What happened to them?
Vs 14- Why did Moronihah preach unto the people?
What did Moronihah, Nephi, Lehi, and Helaman preach and prophesy concerning?
Vs 15- What did the people do?
What was the consequence/blessing of repenting?
Vs 16- How much of their property/lands did they regain?
Vs 17- What year of the judges ended?
Vs 18- What could Moronihah not obtain more of?
Vs 19- Why did they abandon their designs to obtain the remainder of their lands?
What did Moronihah employ his armies in doing?
Vs 20- What were the Nephites afraid the Lamanites would do to them?
Vs 21- What did they begin to remember?
What kind of a people had they been?
What had they set at naught?
Vs 22- What had they altered and trampled on?
What had become corrupted?
Who had they become like?
Vs 23- How did their iniquity effect the church?
What had they began to disbelieve?
What stared them in the face?
Vs 24- What had they become like?
What could the Spirit of the Lord not do for them?
Why had the Spirit withdrawn from them?
Vs 25- Why had the Lord ceased to preserve them? (What had they fallen into)
What did they realize/see they must do to avoid perishing?
Vs 26- What had they fallen into?
What had they become like?
How long did it take them to get into this state?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Helaman 3

Vs 1- What caused some little dissensions among the people?
Vs 2- What years had little or no contention among the people?
Vs 3- What year was there much contention?
Where did many depart to?
Vs 4- After traveling far, what did they come to?
Vs 5- Where did they spread to?
Why were parts of the land without timber?
Vs 6- Why was part of the land called desolate?
Vs 7- What did the people become expert in building with instead of timber?
Vs 8- Where did they multiplied and spread to?
Vs 9- What did the people in the land northward dwell in?
What did they start growing?
Why? (What did they need them for)
Vs 10- How did they send and receive more timber?
Vs 11- What did that enable them to do?
Vs 12- Who else went into this land?
Vs 13- What did many of this people keep?
Vs 14- What cannot be contained in this record/work?
Vs 15- Who has kept the many books and records?
Vs 16- How are the records passed on?
What will eventually happen to the Nephites?
Vs 17- When did all this spreading throughout the land come to pass? (After there had been what)
Vs 18- What year of the judges ended?
Vs 19- In the next few years, what was still in the land?
Vs 20- How did Helaman fill the judgment-seat?
What did he observe to keep?
When did he do what was right?
How did God bless him?
Vs 21- How many sons did he have?
What did he name them?
Vs 22- What began to cease a little bit that year?
Vs 23- What was established in the land?
What did the Gadianton robbers establish?
Where were they established?
Why were they not destroyed out of the land?
Vs 24- What prospered that year?
How many were baptized- joined the church?
Vs 25- What was poured out upon the church?
How did the high priests and teachers feel?
Vs 26- How many were baptized/united to the church of God?
Vs 27- Who is the Lord merciful unto?
Vs 28- Who is the gate of heaven open unto (those who believe on what)?
Vs 29- What is the word of God like?
What can it do to the snares and wiles of the devil?
What can it do for the man of Christ?
Vs 30- Where does it land their souls?
Who do they sit down with?
Vs 31- What was in the land that year?
Vs 32- What was there for the rest of the 49th and 50th year of the judges?
Vs 33- What began to enter into the hearts of those who professed to belong to the church of God?
Vs 34- What did they do to their brethren?
What did it cause the humble part of the people to suffer and wade through?
Vs 35- What did they do often?
What did they wax strong and firm in?
What did it fill their souls with?
What did it do to their hearts?
Vs 36- What got into the hearts of the people?
What caused it?
What did it do from day to day?
Vs 37- Who died?
Who reigned in his stead?
How did he fill the judgment seat?

Friday, February 8, 2013

Helaman 2

Vs 1- Why did there begin to be a contention again among the Nephite people? (concerning what)
Vs 2- Who was appointed to be the chief judge?
How was he appointed?
Vs 3- Who was laying in wait to destroy Helaman?
Who was he upheld by?
Vs 4- What was Gadianton expert in?
What work did he carry on?
What did he become?
Vs 5- What did he flatter/promise to grant Kishkumen and his band if they placed him in the judgment seat?
What did Kishkumen seek to do?
Vs 6- What had one of Helaman’s servants obtained a knowledge of?
Vs 7- What did he give Kishkumen?
What did Kiskumen make known unto him?
Vs 8- What did Helaman’s servant say to Kishkumen?
Vs 9- What did Helaman’s servant do to Kishkumen?
Who did he run and tell these things to?
Vs 10- What did Helaman want to do to his secret band?
Vs 11- Where did Gadianton take the band when Kishkumen did not return?
Vs 12- What year of the judges ended?
Vs 13- What will the end of this book show that Gadianton overthrows/destroys?
Vs 14- At the end of which book is this written?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Helaman 1

Vs 1- What was there among the Nephites in the 40th year of the reign of the judges?
Vs 2- Who had died?
What was there a contention about?
Vs 3- Who was contending for the judgement seat?
Vs 4- How many sons did Pahoran have?
How many divisions did this contention cause among the people?
Vs 5- Who was appointed to be chief judge?
How was he appointed?
Vs 6- What did Pacumeni do when he saw he could not be the chief judge?
Vs 7- How did Paanchi and his followers feel?
What was he about to flatter them to do?
Vs 8- When he was put on trial, what did they decide should be his consequence?
Why? (What had he done wrong)
Vs 9- How did his followers feel about this decision?
What did they send Kishkumen to do?
Vs 10-Why could no man overtake him?
Vs 11- What did those who sent him covenant/swear not to do?
Vs 12- Why wasn’t Kishkumen known among the Nephites?
What did his band do so they could not be found?
What happened to those who were found?
Vs 13- Who was appointed to be the chief judge and governor?
Vs 14- What did the Lamanites do in the 41st year?
Vs 15- Why did they come down again?
Who was their leader?
What was he a descendant of?
What was he like?
Vs 16- Who was the Lamanite king?
Why did he send Coriantumr to stand against the Nephites?
Vs 17- What did he stir his people to?
What did he cause them to do?
Vs 18- Why had they not kept sufficient guards in the Land of Zarahemla?
What had they supposed?
Vs 19- What was Coriantumr’s march like?
What did the Nephites not have time to do?
Vs 20- Where did Coriantumr march?
Who did they slay?
Vs 21- What did Pacumeni, the chief judge, do?
What happened to him?
Vs 22- How did Coriantumr feel after he took possession of Zarahemla?
What was he about to do?
Vs 23- What city did he march towards?
What was he determined to do?
Vs 24- What did he suppose?
What did the Nephites not have time to do?
Vs 25- What did this center march give Moronihah?
Vs 26- What had Moronihah supposed?
Where had he caused his strong armies to be?
Vs 27- What parts of the land were the Lamanites marching through?
What were they doing as they marched?
Vs 28- What did Moronihah do/send?
Vs 29- What did the Lamanites begin to do when they gave unto them battle?
Vs 30- Who headed them in their retreat?
What kind of a battle was it?
Who was among those who were slain?
Vs 31- Why couldn’t the Lamanites retreat any way/direction?
Vs 32- What did the Lamanites do?
Vs 33- What city did Moronihah take possession of again?
What did he cause the prisoners to do?
Vs 34- What year of the judges ended?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Alma 63

Vs 1- Who took possession of the sacred things from Helaman?
Vs 2- What kind of a man was he?
What did he do continually?
Vs 3- Who else died?
Vs 4- How many departed out of the land of Zarahemla?
Where did they go?
Vs 5- What kind of a man was Hagoth?
What did he build?
Where did he launch it?
Vs 6- What did those who sailed forth take with them?
Where did they sail- on what course?
Vs 7- What else did this man build?
What happened to the first ship?
Vs 8- What supposedly happened to them?
Why do they suppose that?
Vs 9- What did many people do that year?
Vs 10- Who else died that year?
What did Corianton do?
Vs 11- Who did Shiblon confer the sacred things upon before he died?
Who was he named after?
Vs 12- What was done with those engravings?
Which parts were not sent forth?
Vs 13- What was done with these things?
Vs 14- Who had gone unto the Lamanites?
How did they feel towards the Nephites?
Vs 15- Who did they come war against?
What happened to them?
Vs 16- What year ended?
Vs 17- Whose account ended?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Alma 62

Vs 1- How did Moroni feel when he received this epistle?
Why was he filled with joy?
Vs 2- What else did he feel/do?
Vs 3- Where did Moroni and a small number of men march towards?
Vs 4- What did he do everywhere he went?
Vs 5- How many flocked/came to his standard?
What did they do?
Vs 6- Who did he unite his forces with in the land of Gideon?
Who were they stronger than?
Who is Pachus?
Vs 7- Where did Moroni and Pahoran go to?
Who did they meet and battle?
Vs 8- What happened to Pachus and his men?
What happened to Pahoran?
Vs 9- What did the men of Pachus receive?
What happened to the men of Pachus and the king-men who would not take up arms to defend their country?
Vs 10- Why did this law need to be strictly ovserved?
What happened to anyone who denied their freedom?
Vs 11- What had Moroni and Pahoran restored to the land?
Vs 12- What did Moroni cause to be sent unto Helaman?
Vs 13- What did he send to the armies of Lehi and Teancum?
Vs 14- Where did Moroni and Pahoran march towards?
What were they determined to do there?
Vs 15- On their march there, what did they do to the Lamanite men?
Vs 16- What did they make the rest of them covenant/promise?
Vs 17- Where did they send them to dwell?
How many were there who had not been slain?
Vs 18- Where did they march towards?
Where did they pitch their tents?
Vs 19- What did Moroni desire the Lamanites to do?
Why didn’t the Lamanites dare come out against them?
Vs 20- What did Moroni do when in the night?
Vs 21- What did he find/see that they were all doing?
What did he cause his army to do?
Vs 22-23- How did he get his men into the city?
Vs 24- How did the Lamanites feel when they woke up and saw them there?
What did they do?
Vs 25- What did Moroni cause his men to do to the fleeing Lamanites?
Vs 26- How many Nephites were lost while obtaining possession of the city of Nephihah?
Vs 27- What did the Lamanite prisoners desire to do and become?
Vs 28- Who was granted/allowed to do this?
Vs 29- Who did the all Lamanite prisoners join?
What did they begin to do?
What were the Nephites relieved of?
Vs 30- How did Moroni reduce the Lamanite armies?
How did he strengthen his won army?
What land did he go to next?
Vs 31- What did the Lamanites feel and do when they saw Moroni coming against them?
Vs 32- Who else did the Lamanites flee from?
Where did they flee to?
Vs 33- Who was gathered in the land of Moroni?
Who was with them?
Vs 34- Where did Moroni, Lehi, and Teancum camp their armies?
Vs 35- Who was angry with Ammoron?
Vs 36- What did he do in his anger?
What happened to him?
Vs 37- How did Lehi and Moroni feel when they found out Teancum was dead?
How had he fought for his country?
What had he been a true friend to?
Vs 38- What did Moroni do to the Lamanites the next day?
Vs 39- What had they had for the space of many years?
Vs 40- What else had there been among the people of Nephi?
Why were they spared?
Vs 41- What two different outcomes did the people become because of their afflictions?
Vs 42- What did Moroni do before he returned to Zarahemla?
What was established among the people of Nephi?
Vs 43- What did Moroni yield up to his son?
What did Moroni do the remainder of his days?
Vs 44- What did Pahoran and Helaman do?
Why was it expedient to make a regulation again in the church?
Vs 45- What did Helaman declare unto the people?
What did it cause them to do?
Vs 46- What did they establish again in the land?
Vs 47- What else did they make?
What was chosen?
Vs 48- What did the people of Nephi begin to do? (name 4 things)
Vs 49- What did they not become?
Why not? (Who did they remember and what did they do?)
Vs 50- What did they remember?
Vs 51- How often did they pray to the Lord?
How did the Lord bless them?
Vs 52- Who died in the 35th year of the judges?