Scripture Study

Scripture Study
"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." - John 5:39

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Divine Nature #7- Peacemaker

1. PEACEMAKER Definition: A person who helps to prevent or stop an argument, a fight, or a war.
a. What are two things a peacemaker does?

2. Matthew 5:9
a. Whose children are peacemakers?

3. 3Nephi 11:29-30
a. Who is the father of all contention?
b. Therefore, whose children are we if we are not peacemakers?

4. 1Peter 3:11
a. What should we seek?
b. What should we do next?

5. Alma 24:19
a. What should we bury?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Virtue #4- Repentance

1. Read Moroni 10:32-33
a) Who should we come unto? 
b) What 2 things do we need to do before His grace is sufficient for us?
c) What should we not deny?
d) How are we sanctified?
e) What will we become?

2. Read Enos
a) What/Who did Enos pray for first?
b) How long did he pray for?
c) Who did he pray for next?
d) How did he pray? (What were his prayers like?)
e) Who else did he pray for?
f) What did he spend the rest of his days doing?

3. Read “Repentance” in the “Strength of Youth” pamphlet
a) What is the atonement?
b) What do we have to do to be forgiven of our sins?
c) What is repentance?
d) What do we need to turn away from?              
Turn toward?
e) What does Satan want us to think?
f) When should we repent?
g) What mocks the Savior’s atonement?
h) What are 3 needful steps to repentance?
i) Who should we seek help and counsel from?
j) What will repentance and forgiveness help you come to know?
k) What will you feel?
l) What will that bring you?
m) Who will you become like?

4. Read D&C 20:77, 79
a) What should we remember when we eat the sacrament bread?
b) What 3 things do we witness to God that we are willing to do?
c) Why? (What does God promise us if we do?)
d) What should we remember when we drink the water?

5.) Write your plan:
What will you do daily to remain pure and worthy?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Living Christ

1a. What word describes Christ’s life?
1b. What was of infinite virtue?
1c. Who did he influence?
2a. What was he called in the Old Testament?                                In the New?
2b. What did he create and make?
2c. Why was he baptized?
2d. What was he despised for?
2e. What was his message?
2f.  What did he entreat all to do?
2g. What are some of the things he did?
2h. What are some of the things he taught?
3a. Why did he institute the sacrament?
3b. Why was he convicted?
3c. Why did he give his life?
3d. What kind of a gift did he give all mankind?
4a. What is his life central to?
4b. Where did his life not begin?                                             Not  end?
4c. What are 3 of his titles/roles?
5a. What was he the first to rise from?
5b. Who are some people he has visited as a resurrected being?
6a. What are his eyes like?                                
6b. His hair?                          
6c. What is his countenance like?                                                
6d. His voice?
7a. Who does he say that he is?
7b. What is his role between us and the Father?
8a. What does Joseph Smith testify about him?
9a. What did he see?
9b. What did he hear?
10a. How are the world’s created?
10b. Who are the inhabitants sons and daughters of?
11a. What 2 things did Joseph Smith declare had been restored?
11b. What is their foundation?                                                      Cornerstone?
12a. What will he do someday?
12b. What shall be revealed?
12c. Who shall see it?
12d. What will he rule and reign as?
12e. What shall every knee and tongue do?
12f. What shall each of us be judged according to?”
13a. What do the apostles testify that Jesus is? (3 titles)
13b. Where does he stand today?
13c. What 3 roles does he play for the world?
13d. What does his path/way lead to?

13e. What do they thank God for?