Chapter 32
vs 1- What have they been pondering in their hearts?
vs 2- Who helps us speak with the tongue of angels?
vs 3- Whose words do angels speak?
What will tell us all things what ye should do?
vs 4- What do we need to do to understand these words?
vs 5- Who will show unto you all things what ye should do?
vs 6- When shall there be more doctrine?
vs 7- Why can’t Nephi say more?
Why does Nephi mourn?
What do men refuse to do?
vs 8- What does the Spirit teacheth a man to do?
vs 9- What should we always do before we perform anything unto the Lord?
Chapter 31
vs 1- What does Nephi make an end to?
What can he write only a few things of? (there’s 2 categories)
vs 2- What does he still want to write about/concerning?
How is he going to speak/write it?
vs 3- How does the Lord work among the children of men?
How does the Lord speak unto men?
vs 4- Who baptized the Lamb of God?
What did Christ take away?
vs 5- What do we need to do?
vs 6- Why was the Lamb of God (Christ) baptized?
vs 7- What qualities does it say Christ have?
Who was Christ being an example to?
What did his being baptized witness unto Heavenly Father?
vs 8- Who descended upon him after he was baptized?
vs 9- What did his baptism show unto the children of men?
vs 10- What did he say unto the children of men?
vs 11- What did the Father say to do (name 2 things)?
vs 12- Who will the Father give the Holy Ghost to?
vs 13- How should you follow Christ?
What does baptism witness that we are willing to do?
If we follow the Savior by being baptized, what shall we receive?
What is this baptism called?
What shall we speak with and shout?
vs 14- After we have done all these things, what should we not do?
vs 15-16-Who shall be saved?
vs 17- What is the gate that we should enter into?
vs 18- What does this gate put us in?
What do we receive if we enter in the path by the way?
Who does the Holy Ghost witness of?
vs 19- Are we done once we’ve gotten on the path?
What hath brought you this far?
Who should we rely on for salvation?
vs 20- How must we press forward?
What kind of hope should we have?
Who should we love?
What should we feast upon?
vs 21- How can we be saved in the kingdom of heaven?
Who’s doctrine is this?
Chapter 30
vs 1- What does Nephi not want his brethren to suppose?
vs 2- Who are the covenant people of the Lord?
vs 3- What shall those who believe the words do?
vs 4- What shall the words teach them about?
vs 5- What knowledge shall be restored unto them?
vs 6- What shall happen to their eyes?
What kind of people shall they be?
vs 7- Who else will begin to believe in Christ?
What shall they do?
What kind of people do those who believe in Christ become?
vs 8- What work will God commence to do?
vs 9- How shall the Lord treat the poor and meek?
What will he smite the earth the the wicked with?
vs 10- What is the great division?
vs 11- What shall the righteous and faithful be?
vs 12- How will the animals behave?
vs 13- What shall the animals eat?
vs 14- Who shall be able play with the animals?
vs 15- What shall there be none of?
What shall the earth be full of?
vs 16- What shall be made known unto the children of men?
vs 17- What shall be revealed and made manifest?
What shall be loosed?
vs 18- What shall Satan have no more power over for a long time?
Chapter 29
vs 1- What will the Lord remember and do?
vs 2- What did the Lord promise Nephi that he would do?
vs 3- What shalll many Genitles say?
vs 4- Who did the Genitles get the Bible from?
vs 5- Instead of being grateful to the Jews for the Bible, what have the Gentiles done to them?
vs 6- What does the Lord call the Gentiles who have this attitude?
vs 7- What does the Lord bring forth unto all nations?
vs 8- What should we not murmur about?
What will the words of both nations be used for?
vs 9- What do the multiple records of God’s words prove?
When shall God’s work be finished?
vs 10- What does the Bible not contain?
vs 11- What does God command all men to do with the words he speaks unto them?
What will he use the books for?
vs 12- Who are 3 of the groups of people who shall record God’s words?
vs 13- Who shall have all the records?
vs 14- What 2 things will God gather?
Chapter 28
vs 1- Who constrained Nephi to speak these things?
vs 2- Who shall especially value the things written in the book?
vs 3- What shall many churches say that is not true?
vs 4- What shall they do with one another?
What shall they teach with?
vs 4-5 What shall they deny?
vs 6- What shall they say to not believe?
vs 7- What shall many say?
vs 8- What shall many say it’s OK to do?
What do they think the consequence will be for the guilty?
vs 9- What kind of doctrines do they teach?
What are their hearts like?
Who do they hide from?
Where do they do their works?
vs 10- What shall cry against them?
vs 11- Where have they all gone?
What have they become?
vs 12- What has corrupted their churches?
vs 13- In what ways do they rob the poor?
Why do they persecute the meek and poor in heart?
vs 14- What do they wear?
How many have gone astray?
Why do they err?
vs 15- Who does the Lord warn (wo unto)?
what consequence shall they have?
vs 16- How do the wicked treat just & good things?
What will happen to them when the Lord comes again to the earth?
vs 17- What can save them from destruction?
vs 18- What will happen to the great and abominable church?
vs 19- If they don’t repent, who will grasp them?
vs 19-20- What will he stir them up to?
vs 21- How does he carefully lead others down to hell?
vs 22- How does he grasp others with his chains?
vs 23- Who will stand before God to be judged of their works?
What place will be prepared for the wicked?
vs 24- How should we not feel in Zion?
vs 25- What should we not say/cry?
vs 26- Who should we hearken unto?
vs 27- What should we say about receiving more truth?
vs 28- Who will gladly receive truth?
vs 29- What should we not say about receiving more of God’s words?
vs 30- How does the Lord teach (give truth)?
Who does he give more wisdom to?
Who does he take away truth/wisdom from?
vs 31- Who should we not trust in?
When is it good to hearken to men’s precepts?
vs 32- What is the Lord inviting us to do? (Why does he have his arm out to us?)
How long is his arm lengthened out?
Chapter 27
vs 1- In the last days, what will all the nations be drunken with?
vs 2- What shall the Lord visit them with?
vs 3- What shall those that fight against Zion be like?
vs 4- Who shall be drunken?
vs 5- What shall the Lord pour out upon you?
Who have ye rejected?
What will the Lord do to your rulers and your seers?
vs 6- What shall the Lord bring forth unto you?
Whose words are they?
vs 7- What shall the condition of the book be?
What shall be in the book?
vs 8- What shall not be delivered in the last days?
vs 9- Who shall the book be delivered unto?
Whose words are in the book?
Who shall he deliver these words unto?
vs 10- What words shall he not deliver?
When shall they come forth?
What do they reveal?
vs 11- Where shall the sealed words of the book be read?
By what power shall they be read?
What shall be revealed unto the children of men?
vs 12- Who shall behold the book?
What shall they do?
vs 13- Who else shall view the book?
Why shall only a few view it?
vs 14- Who will bring forth the words of the book?
How many witnesses will he use to establish his word?
Who does he warn (say wo unto)?
vs 15- Who did the Lord tell the man (Joseph Smith) to show the words which are not sealed to?
How did he respond to Joseph?
vs 16- Why will they say that?
vs 17- What shall the man (Joseph) say?
vs 18- What shall the learned say?
vs 19- Who will the Lord deliver the book again unto?
vs 20- Why does the Lord work with the unlearned instead of the learned man?
vs 21- What does the Lord tell Joseph not to touch?
What will God show unto the children of men?
vs 22- What does the Lord tell Joseph to do after he has read and had witnesses to the book?
vs 23- What is God a God of?
What will he show unto the world?
How does God work with men?
vs 24-25 What does the Lord say people have drawn near unto him with?
What have they removed from Him?
What has taught them to fear God?
vs 26- How does God describe the work he will do among this people?
What shall happen to their wisdom and understanding?
vs 27- Who does God warn against?
What will God show unto them that he knows?
What does he compare their attitude to?
vs 28- What shall the Lord soon turn Lebanon into?
vs 29- Who shall hear the words and see out of darkness?
vs 30- Who shall increase?
What shall their joy be in?
Who shall rejoice in the Lord?
vs 31- What will happen to the terrible one? to the scorner? to all that watch for iniquity?
vs 32- Who else will be cut off?
vs 33- Who shall not be ashamed?
vs 34- When shall they sanctify and fear God?
vs 35- Who shall understand and learn doctrine?
Chapter 26
vs 1- What shall Christ do after he has been resurrected?
What shall be the law which ye shall do?
vs 2- What did Nephi see that there shall there be among his people?
vs 3- What shall there be signs given for?
Who will Christ’s coming be great and terrible unto?
Why will the wicked perish?
vs 4- Who shall be burned up?
vs 5- Who shall the depths of the earth swallow up?
vs 6- What shall they be visited with?
Whose fire/anger are these things representing?
vs 7- How does Nephi feel after seeing that his people will be slain?
What must he cry unto God?
vs 8- Who shall not perish?
vs 9- Who will appear unto the righteous?
What shall he do?
What shall they have with him? For how long?
vs 10- After the 4th generation passes away, what will come speedily?
What do they sell themselves for?
What is their reward for their pride and foolishness?
Why must they go down to hell?
vs 11- What will not always strive with man?
What cometh after the Spirit (Holy Ghost) leaves man?
vs 12- Who must also be convinced that Jesus is the Christ?
vs 13- By what power does he manifest himself to those who believe in him?
Who does he work miracles unto?
According to what does he work these miracles?
vs 14- When shall the Lord bring these things forth unto the children of men?
vs 15- What shall happen to Nephi and his brethrens’ seed?
Whose words shall be written? Whose prayers shall be heard?
After all that happens, who shall not be forgotten?
vs 16- Where shall those who have been destroyed speak to them out of?
What shall their voice be as?
vs 17- Where shall they write and seal up the things that happened to them?
Who shall not have their words? Why not?
vs 18- How fast were they destroyed?
vs 19- Who shall smite them?
vs 20- What caused the Gentiles to stumble?
What have they built up? What have they put down?
What do they preach? Why (What’s their purpose)?
vs 21- What do many churches cause?
vs 22- What is the devil the founder of?
How does the devil bind people forever?
vs 23- What does the Lord not work in?
vs 24- What is the purpose for everything the Lord does?
Why did he lay down his own life?
Who does he not command to partake of his salvation?
vs 25- Who does he invite to come unto him?
What price does he offer milk and honey for?
vs 26- Who does he command to depart out of the synagogues (churches)?
vs 27- Who hath he given salvation freely to?
What does he command his people to persuade all men to do?
vs 28- Who is privileged to partake of his goodness?
Who is forbidden?
vs 29- What has he commanded that there be none of?
What are priestcrafts?
What is their purpose? What is not their purpose?
vs 30- What hath the Lord commanded all men to have?
What is charity?
What will they not suffer to happen if they have charity?
vs 31- What should we labor for? What should we not labor for?
vs 32- What is the consequence for doing the things the Lord has commanded us not to do?
vs 33- What 2 qualities describe the things the Lord does among the children of men?
How does he treat/value all people- both Jew and Gentile?
Chapter 25
vs 1- Whose words was Nephi writing?
Why are his words hard for many people to understand?
vs 2- Why didn’t Nephi teach them concerning the manner of the Jews?
vs 3- Why does Nephi write unto his people?
vs 4- To whom are Isaiah’s words plain unto?
What does Nephi’s soul delight in?
vs 5- What else does he delighteth in?
Where did Nephi come out from?
Who understands the things of the prophets?
vs 6- Why does Nephi know concerning Jerusalem?
What has he made mention unto his children concerning?
vs 7- Whose prophecy is Nephi proceeding with now?
When shall men surely know Isaiah’s prophecies?
vs 8- What does Nephi do to the words he speaks unto his own people?
Who shall value and understand Isaiah’s words?
vs 9- What happens to generations if they have iniquity?
What does the Lord always do before he destroys a generation?
vs 10- What had the people of Jerusalem been told?
How did they respond?
What happened to them?
vs 11- Where shall they return again to?
vs 12- Who shall they reject?
Why shall they reject Him?
vs 13- What will they do to him?
When will he rise from the dead?
Who shall be saved in God’s kingdom?
What does Nephi delight in?
What does his heart do?
vs 14- What shall happen again to Jerusalem after the Messiah’s resurrection?
Who does Nephi warn (say “wo unto”)?
vs 15- What will happen to the Jews?
What will happen to Babylon?
vs 16- How long will the Lord scourge them?
What will they be persuaded to believe in?
Whom shall they worship and how shall they worship Him?
vs 17- What will the Lord do to his people for a second time?
What will he proceed to do among the children of men?
vs 18- What shall he bring forth?
What will that be used for at the last day?
What are the purposes of giving those to them?
vs 19- How many years after Lehi left Jerusalem will the Messiah come?
What will his name be?
Who prophesied of that being his name?
vs 20- What 3 miracles are mentioned in this verse to demonstrate God’s saving power?
What is the only name given under heaven whereby man can be saved?
vs 21- What was God’s promise to Nephi concerning these things which he writes?
What promise does it help God to fulfill unto Joseph?
vs 22- How long will these plates be passed on from generation to generation?
What shall they be used for unto the nations who possess them?
vs 23- Why do they labor diligently to write these things?
By what power are we saved?
vs 24- What law does Nephi’s people keep?
When shall the law be fulfilled?
vs 25- What hath become dead unto them?
What are they made alive in? How?
vs 26- Why did they talk, rejoice, preach, prophesy, and write of Christ?
vs 27- Why did they talk about the law?
What may we look forward unto?
What ought to happen to the Law of Moses after it is fulfilled in Christ?
vs 28- How has he spoken unto a stiff-necked people?
What shall his words stand as?
What do they teach any man?
vs 29- What is the right way?
How should we worship him?
What shall not happen if ye follow this right way?
vs 30- What must ye do until the law of Moses is fulfilled?
Chapter 24
vs 1- Who will the Lord yet choose? Where will He set them?
Who will join with them?
vs 2- Where shall the house of Israel return to?
Who shall they rule over?
vs 3- What shall the Lord give thee rest from?
vs 4- What hath ceased?
vs 5- What hath the Lord broken?
vs 6- What happens to he that ruled the nations in anger?
vs 7- What is the state of the whole earth? What do they do?
vs 8- What do the trees say?
vs 9- Who is stirred and raised up at Christ’s coming?
vs 10- What shall they say?
vs 11- What is brought down to the grave?
What is not heard?
What is spread under and above thee?
vs 12- Who has fallen from heaven and been cut down to the ground?
vs 13-14 What did Lucifer say in his heart?
vs 15- Where has he been brought down to?
vs 16-17- What shall those who see him say?
vs 18- Where do all the kings now lie?
vs 19- Where is Satan cast out of?
vs 20- Why shall he not be buried?
vs 21- What should he prepare for?
vs 22- What will the Lord cut off from Babylon?
vs 23- What will Babylon possess?
vs 24- What will happen to the Lord’s thoughts and purposes?
vs 25- Who will he tread under foot?
What shall depart from off them?
vs 26-27- What is purposed upon the whole earth?
Who’s hand is stretched out?
vs 28- When was this burden?
vs 29- What shall come out of the serpent’s root and fruit?
vs 30- Who shall he feed and keep safe?
How will the Lord kill Palestina’s root?
vs 31- What will Palestina’s gate and city do? Why?
vs 32- What hath the Lord founded?
Who shall trust in it?
Chapter 23
vs 1- What did Isaiah see?
vs 2- What should ye lift up on the mountain?
What they exalt and shake? Why?
vs 3- Who is he not angry at?
vs 4- Why are the nations noisy and gathered together?
vs 5- Where do they come from? What will the Lord do?
vs 6- How shall the day of the Lord come?
vs 7- How shall all hands and hearts feel?
vs 8- What shall take hold of them? How shall they feel towards each other?
vs 9- Who shall the Lord destroy out of the land?
vs 10- What shall not give light (3 things)?
vs 11- Why will he punish the world and the wicked?
What will he cause to cease lay down?
vs 12- What will he make more precious than gold?
vs 13- What will he do to the heavens and the earth?
vs 14- What shall every man be like and do?
vs 15- What shall happen to the proud and those who joined the wicked?
vs 16- What shall happen to their children, houses, and wives?
vs 17- Who shall he stir up against them?
vs 18- How will the medes treat the young men and children?
vs 19- What shall Babylon be like?
vs 20-21- Who shall live there?
vs 22- What shall the Lord speedily do to Babylon?
How will He treat His people? How will He treat the wicked?
Chapter 22
vs 1- What does the Lord do after his anger is turned away?
vs 2- What is God for me? (find 3 things)
vs 3- What shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation with?
vs 4- Who should we praise? What should we call upon?
What should we declare and make mention of?
vs 5- What should we do unto the Lord?
vs 6- How should we sing/praise Him? Why?
Chapter 21
vs 1- What shall come out of the stem and roots of Jesse?
vs 2- What shall rest upon him? What gifts of the spirit will he have?
vs 3- What shall he be made with?
What shall he not use to judge and reprove?
vs 4- What shall he judge and reprove with?
What shall he smite the earth and slay the wicked with?
vs 5- What shall be the girdle of his loins and reins?
vs 6- What shall the animals do with their prey?
Who shall lead them?
vs 7- What shall the animals children do with each other?
What shall the lion eat?
vs 8- Who shall the sucking and weaned children play with?
vs 9- What shall they not do in God’s mountain?
What shall the earth be full of?
vs 10- What shall Jesse’s root be for the people?
What shall be glorious?
vs 11- What shall the Lord do for the second time in that day?
vs 12- What shall Christ set up for the nations?
Who shall he assemble?
Where will he gather Judah from?
vs 13- What shall Ephraim and Judah no longer do?
vs 14- Where shall the Philistines carry them to?
Who shall obey them?
vs15- What shall the Lord utterly destroy?
How will the Lord help them cross the river?
vs 16- What shall it be like?
Chapter 20
vs 1- What should we not say (decree/write/prescribe)?
vs 2- Who do they turn away and/or rob?
vs 3-4 What shall happen to them in their time of need without the Lord’s help?
vs 5- What is their indignation?
vs 6- What does he allow the hypocritical nation to do to the people?
vs 7- What is in his (the leader of Assyria) heart to do?
vs 8-9 What princes and kings has he conquered?
vs 10- What did his hand found (start)?
vs 11- What does he want to do to Jerusalem like he did to Samaria?
vs 12- What will the Lord do to the king of Assyria?
vs 13-14 Whose strength and wisdom did the King of Assyria boast of?
vs 15- What does the Lord compare the king’s boasting to?
vs 16- What shall the Lord send among his fat ones?
vs 17- Who shall be a fire and a flame? What shall the fire do?
vs 18- What shall it consume? What shall they faint like?
vs 19- How many trees shall be left?
vs 20- Who shall the remnant of Israel stay upon?
vs 21- Who shall they return unto?
vs 22- What shall the consumption overflow with?
vs 23- What shall the Lord make in all the land?
vs 24- Who should the people in Zion not be afraid of?
vs 25- What shall cease in a little while?
vs 26- What shall he lift up?
vs 27- What shall be taken off thy neck and shoulder?
Why shall the yoke be destroyed?
vs 28- What hath he done with his carriages?
vs 29- What have they taken up?
vs 30- What should they lift up and cause to be heard?
vs 31- Where is Madmenah and the inhabitants of Gebim?
vs 32- What shall he shake his hand against?
vs 33- Who shall be hewn down and humbled?
vs 34- What shall he cut down?
Chapter 19
vs 1- How did he afflict Zebulon compared to Galilee?
vs 2- Who has seen a great light?
vs 3- What did the Lord do to the nation? What increased?
vs 4- What has the Lord broken?
vs 5- What shall be in this battle?
vs 6- What will be upon the child’s shoulder? What will be his names?
vs 7- What shall have no end? What shall he order and establish his kingdom with?
What will perform this?
vs 8- Who did the Lord talk to Israel through?
vs 9-10- What will Ephraim and Samaria say in their hearts?
vs 11- What will the Lord do with Israel’s adversaries and enemies?
vs 12- What shall happen to Israel? How does the Lord feel towards his people?
vs 13- Why is the Lord angry at the people?
vs 14- What will the Lord cut off from Israel?
vs 15- Who is the head and tail?
vs 16- What do their leaders do?
vs 17- Who does the Lord have no joy in and no mercy on?
Why (What are they like)?
vs 18- What burneth as the fire?
vs 19- What darkens the land? Who will be like the fuel of the fire?
vs 20- How shall they feel after they eat?
vs 21- Who shall Ephraim and Manasseh be against?
Chapter 18
vs 1- What does the Lord tell him to do concerning?
vs 2- Who does he take unto him to record?
vs 3- Who’s son is Maher-shalal-hash-baz?
vs 4- How soon will Damascus and Samaria be conquered by Assyria?
vs 5-6- What waters do the people refuse?
vs 7- What waters does the Lord bring upon them?
What do the waters go over?
vs 8- Where shall the water go/reach to/fill?
vs 9- What is the consequence of associating and girding yourselves?
vs 10- What will come of their counsel and words? Why?
vs 11- What did the Lord instruct him not to do?
vs 12- What should they not say and not fear?
vs 13- Who should they sanctify and fear?
vs 14- What shall he be to the houses of Israel and Jerusalem?
vs 15- What shall happen to many of them?
vs 16- What should the disciples do with the testimony and the law?
vs 17- What 2 things will he do in regards to the Lord?
vs 18- What are he and his children to be for the house of Israel?
vs 19- Who will the world tell you to seek knowledge from?
Who should living people seek knowledge of the dead from?
vs 20- What will those who have light in them speak according to?
vs 21- What shall they do when they are hungry?
vs 22- What shall they see when they look unto the earth?
Chapter 17
vs 1- What 2 countries went to war against Jerusalem? Did they prevail?
vs 2- Who was confederate with Ephraim? What happened to Jerusalem's heart?
vs 3- Who did the Lord tell Isaiah to meet with?
vs 4- What should he say unto him?
vs 5-6 What have Syria and Ephraim planned?
vs 7- What does the Lord say will happen with their plan?
vs 8- What shall happen to Ephraim? When?
vs 9- Who is the head of Ephraim? of Samaria?
What shall happen to Ahaz if he doesn't believe?
vs 10-11- What did the Lord tell Ahaz to ask for?
vs 12- How did Ahaz respond?
vs 13- What should we not do to men or God?
vs 14- What sign will the Lord give?
vs 15- What shall he eat? Why (What will it teach him to do)?
vs 16- What shall happen to the land before the child is age of accountability?
vs 17- What shall the Lord bring upon thy people?
vs 18- What shall the Lord hiss for (2 things)?
vs 19- Where shall they come and rest?
vs 20- Where shall the Lord shave Jerusalem (3 body parts)?
By whom shall he use/hire to do the shaving?
vs 21- What shall a man nourish?
vs 22- What shall they use it for (eat/drink from it)?
vs 23- What shall be in place of the vines and silverings?
vs 24- What shall men come with? Why?
vs 25- What shall be sent to live on the hills?
Chapter 16
vs 1- Who did he see sitting upon a throne? What did his train fill?
vs 2- What stood above the throne?
vs 3- What did the seraphim say the Lord was? What did he say filled the earth?
vs 4- What moved at the voice of the seraphim? What filled the house?
vs 5- Why is he undone (what does he say is unclean)?
Who did his eyes see?
vs 6- What did the seraphim have in his hand? Where did he take it from?
vs 7- Where did he lay it? What did it take away and purge?
vs 8- What question did the Lord ask? What was his answer?
vs 9- What did he tell him to tell the people? How did the people respond?
vs 10- What do we see with? hear with? understand with?
What is the result of seeing, hearing, and understanding?
vs 11- What will happen to the cities, houses, and land?
vs 12- What does the Lord remove? Why?
vs 13- How many shall return? What shall happen to them?
What substance shall there be?
Chapter 15
vs 1- Who is he singing a song to? What is it about?
vs 2- What things did he do to prepare his vineyard? What kind of grapes did it bring forth?
vs 3-4 What question does he ask Jeruselam and Judah?
vs 5- What is he going to do to the vineyard? (What will he take down/break down?)
What will happen to the vineyard if he does things?
vs 6- What will he not do to the vineyard?
What will happen to the vineyard if these things are not done?
vs 7- Who is the Lord’s vineyard? Who is his pleasant plant?
What did he see instead of judgement and righteousness?
vs 8- What should we not join? Why?
vs 9- What shall be desolate? What shall not be inhabited?
vs 10- What shall yield one bath and one ephah?
vs 11- What should we not drink? What does it do to them?
vs 12- What is in their feasts? What do they not regard or consider?
vs 13- Where have his people gone? Why (find 3 reasons)?
vs 14- What hath enlarged herself? Who shall descend into it?
vs 15- Who shall be brought down and humbled?
vs 16- What shall exalt the Lord? What shall sanctify Him?
vs 17- Who shall eat the waste places of the fat ones?
vs 18- What do cords of vanity draw? What is sin like?
vs 19- What should we not impatiently want to see and know?
vs 20- What should we not mix up?
vs 21- What should we not be wise or prudent in?
vs 22- What should the mighty and strong not drink?
vs 23- What should we not justify? What should we not take away?
vs 24- What shall be rotten? What shall go up as dust?
What have they cast away and despised?
vs 25- How does the Lord feel toward his people (what is kindled)?
What has he done to his people?
vs 26- What will he lift up to the nations? What will he do unto them?
How shall they respond?
vs 27- What shall they not do? What shall not be loosed and broken?
vs 28- What shall their arrows, bows, horses, and wheels be like?
vs 29- What shall they roar like? What shall they do to their prey?
vs 30- What shall their roar be like? What shall the land and heavens be like?
Chapter 14
vs 1- What do the women want from the man? Why?
vs 2- What shall the branch of the Lord be like? What shall the fruit of the earth be? To whom?
vs 3- Who shall be called holy?
vs 4- What shall the Lord wash away? What shall he purge? With what two things?
vs 5- What will the Lord create upon every dwelling place and assembly by day? by night?
What shall they be for?
vs 6- What shall the tabernacle be in the daytime? What shall it protect them from (3 things)?
Chapter 13
vs 1- What does the Lord take away from Jerusalem? What is the stay? What is the staff?
vs 2-3 Who does he take away?
vs 4- Who does he have be their princes and rulers?
vs 5- What are the people? How shall the child and the base behave?
vs 6- Who shall a man pick to be his ruler?
vs 7- Why can he not be a healer nor a ruler of the people?
vs 8- What became of Jerusalem and Judah? Why (What’s the cause)?
vs 9- What witnesses against them? Who are their sins like? What did they reward themselves?
vs 10- Who shall it be well with? What shall they eat?
vs 11- What shall happen to the wicked? What reward shall they get?
vs 12- Who are the oppressors and rulers of his people? What do their leaders cause them to do?
vs 13- What does the Lord stand up to do (2 things)?
vs 14- Who will the Lord judge with? What have ye eaten up?
vs 15- What have ye done to his people and to the poor?
vs 16- What are the daughters of Zion like? How do they walk?
vs 17- What will the Lord do to their heads and their secret parts?
vs 18-23 What will the Lord take away?
vs 24- What shall they have instead of a sweet smell? well set hair? a stomacher? beauty?
vs 25- What shall happen to the men and the mighty?
vs 26- What shall her gates (the people of Jerusalem) do? What shall she be and do?