Scripture Study

Scripture Study
"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." - John 5:39

Thursday, May 31, 2012

2 Nephi 20

Chapter 20

vs 1- What should we not say (decree/write/prescribe)?
vs 2- Who do they turn away and/or rob?
vs 3-4 What shall happen to them in their time of need without the Lord’s help?
vs 5- What is their indignation?
vs 6- What does he allow the hypocritical nation to do to the people?
vs 7- What is in his (the leader of Assyria) heart to do?
vs 8-9 What princes and kings has he conquered?
vs 10- What did his hand found (start)?
vs 11- What does he want to do to Jerusalem like he did to Samaria?
vs 12- What will the Lord do to the king of Assyria?
vs 13-14 Whose strength and wisdom did the King of Assyria boast of?
vs 15- What does the Lord compare the king’s boasting to?
vs 16- What shall the Lord send among his fat ones?
vs 17- Who shall be a fire and a flame?  What shall the fire do?
vs 18- What shall it consume?  What shall they faint like?
vs 19- How many trees shall be left?
vs 20- Who shall the remnant of Israel stay upon?
vs 21- Who shall they return unto?
vs 22- What shall the consumption overflow with?
vs 23- What shall the Lord make in all the land?
vs 24- Who should the people in Zion not be afraid of?
vs 25- What shall cease in a little while?
vs 26- What shall he lift up?
vs 27- What shall be taken off thy neck and shoulder?
Why shall the yoke be destroyed?
vs 28- What hath he done with his carriages?
vs 29- What have they taken up?
vs 30- What should they lift up and cause to be heard?
vs 31- Where is Madmenah and the inhabitants of Gebim?
vs 32- What shall he shake his hand against?
vs 33- Who shall be hewn down and humbled?
vs 34- What shall he cut down?

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