Scripture Study

Scripture Study
"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." - John 5:39

Friday, September 14, 2012

Alma 12

Vs 1- What did Amulek catch Zeezrom in?
Why did Zeezrom begin to tremble?
What did Alma explain and unfold?
Vs 2- Who heard the words Alma spoke unto Zeezrom?
Vs 3- Who has Zeezrom lied unto?
What does God know?
How did he make that known unto Alma and Amulek? (by what)
Vs 4- What was Zeezrom’s plan like?
What did he do to this people?
Why? (What did he want them to do to Alma and Amulek)
Vs 5- Who’s plan was this?
Where did he exercise his power?
Vs 6- What was this plan?
Who did the adversary want to catch?
What did he want to bring them into?
What did he want to encircle them with?
How does he chain us down? (according to what)
Vs 7- Why did Zeezrom tremble more? (What was he convinced of)
What did Alma and Amulek know of?
How did they know these things? (according to what)
Vs 8- What did Zeezrom want to know more concerning?
What did he ask the meaning of?
Vs 9- What does God give many people a knowledge of?
How does he command them to impart his word to men? (according to what)
Vs 10- Who receives the lesser portion of the word?
Who does he give the greater portion of his word to?
What will they eventually know in full?
Vs 11- Who is given the lesser portion of the word?
What will they know?
What will the devil do with them?
Vs 12- How did Amulek speak about death, resurrection, and judgment?
Vs 13- What will our state be like if we harden our hearts?
Why? (What shall we be?)
Vs 14- What 3 things shall condemn us?
What will we not dare to do in that state?
What would we want to hide from?
Vs 15- What must we do?
What must we acknowledge?
Who does God have power to save?
Vs 16- What kind of death is the second death?
Who shall die this death?
What things do they die of?
Vs 17- What shall their torments be like?
What shall they be chained down to?
Whose will are they subjected to?
Vs 18- What can they not be and do?
Vs 19- How did the people feel after hearing these words?
Vs 20- What change did Antionah ask about?
Vs 21- Why did God put cheribum and a flaming sword on the east of the garden of Eden?
What would happen if they ate the fruit of the tree of life?
Vs 22- How did Adam fall? (By doing what)
What did it cause all mankind to become?
Vs 23- If Adam would have partaken of the fruit of the tree of life, what would not have happened when he partook of the fruit of the tree of knowledge?
Vs 24- Who does death come upon?
Why was a space granted unto men? (So that he might do what)
What did this life become?
What should we use our time in this life to do?
Vs 25- If there was no plan of redemption laid, what could not have been?
Vs 26- If Adam and Eve partook of the tree of life, what would they be?
Why? (What would they not have had?)
What would have been frustrated?
What would have been void?
Vs 27- What was appointed unto men?
Where must they come after death?
Vs 28- What did God see that it was expedient unto man to know?
Vs 29- How does he teach them?
Vs 30- What did they (Adam and Eve) begin to do?
What did God make known unto them?
How did he make it known? (according to what 3 things)
Vs 31- What did he give unto men?
What had they done with the first commandments?
What did they become as?
What did they know?
What state did they place themselves in?
Vs 32- What did God make known unto them before giving them commandments?
What is the penalty for doing evil?
What kind of a death is it?
Who does the plan of redemption have no power on?
Why not? (What cannot be destroyed)
Vs 33- How did God call on men?
What did he tell them that the plan was?
Vs 34- Who shall have claim on mercy?
How shall they? (through whom)
What will receive and enter into?
Vs 35- Who shall not enter into his rest?
Vs 36- Why will some of you not enter into the rest of God?
What does your iniquity provoke God to do?
What is this last provocation like?
Where will he send you to?
Vs 37- What should we do so we don’t get the Lord’s wrath upon us in his second commandments?
What should we enter into?

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