Scripture Study

Scripture Study
"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." - John 5:39

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Mosiah 7

Vs 1- Who did king Mosiah want to know concerning?
What did the people weary him with?
Vs 2- What kind of men did he let go and inquire?
Vs 3- What kind of a man was Ammon?
What else was he?
Vs 4- What did they do in the wilderness?
For how long?
Vs 5- What did they do in Shilom?
Vs 6- How many of his brethren did Ammon take to the land of Nephi?
Vs 7- What did the king’s guard do to them?
Vs 8- After 2 days what were they commanded to do before the king?
Vs 9- What land did Zeniff come up out of?
How was he made king?
Vs 10- What did Limhi want to know?
Vs 11- Why has Limhi suffered Ammon & his brethren to be preserved?
Vs 12- What did Ammon do before the king?
What did he say he was thankful for?
How is he going to endeavor to speak?
Vs 13- What is he assured of?
Vs 14- How did Limhi feel after he heard Ammon’s words?
Why? (What does he now know)
What is he going to do tomorrow?
Vs 15- Who are they in bondage to?
What is grieving them?
What are they willing to be to the Nephites?
Vs 16- What does he want to bring Ammon’s brethren here to do?
What things had they suffered?
Vs 17- Where did Limhi gather his people to?
Why? (What did he want them to do there)
Vs 18- What does he tell the people to do and be?
Why? (What shall they no longer be in)
What still remaineth to be made?
Vs 19- What does he tell them to do?
Who does he tell them to trust in?
What did he do for the children of Israel?
Vs 20- What did God do for their fathers?
What has brought them into bondage?
Vs 21- What was Zeniff being when he inherited the land of his fathers?
What was he deceived by?
What did king Laman have Zennif yield up unto him?
Vs 22- Why? (What was his sole purpose)
How much do they pay tribute to the king of the Lamanites?
Vs 23- What does this give them great reason to do?
Vs 24- Why else do they have reason to mourn? (What happened to their brethren)
Vs 24-25 Why has this great evil come upon them? (because of what)
Vs 25- Who did they contend and shed blood with?
Vs 26- Who have they slain?
What things did he tell them of?
Vs 27- Who did he say that Christ was?
What did he say Christ would take upon him?
Vs 28- What did the many things they do bring down upon them?
Vs 29- What will the Lord not do for his people when they transgress?
What will he do?
What will be a stumbling block for them?
Vs 30- If they sow filthiness, what shall they reap?
What is its effect?
Vs 31- What else shall they reap?
What does it bring?
Vs 32- Why are they smitten and afflicted?
Vs 33- What do they have to do if they want to be delivered? (3 things)

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